Change Log

Change log for the HTML5 Editor for ActiveX

Version 5.1.1 (Feb 2020)

Initial Release

Version 5.1.5 (March 9, 2020)

Please note - please uninstall any existing versions of the HTML5 Editor for ActiveX before installing version 5.1.5

NEW - Cancellable DOM Toolbar popup menu clicks
NEW - Remove HTML Element menu option on DOM Toolbar popup
Fixed - FontSize being applied incorrectly from font size dropdown in some cases
Fixed - Plain Text not being pasted correctly from the clipboard

Version 5.1.6 (March 15, 2020)

NEW - EditorEnabled property.

Version 5.1.9 (April 15, 2020)

Fixed - Initialisation problems in Visual Fox Pro.

Version 5.2.1 (May 15, 2020)

Fixed - Issues preventing insertion of HTMLElements in Windows 7 x32
NEW - UseEnterAsBR boolean property
NEW - ShowSpellingPopupMenuOptions boolean property
NEW - SpellingSuggestions property
NEW - Version property

Version 5.2.1 (May 15, 2020)

NEW - AlwaysConvertUnicodeCharacters boolean property
NEW - HideMainToolbar and HideDOMToolbar boolean properties
NEW - CodeViewFont property. Allows setting of Code View window font properties at runtime
Fixed - Control now allows for pasting of Unicode characters from clipboard
NEW - ShowSpellingPopupMenuOptions boolean property
NEW - SpellingSuggestions string property
NEW - SpellingSuggestionPopupMenuClick event

Version 5.2.2 (June 3, 2020)

NEW - Copying and pasting and maintaining Unicode content into the control
NEW - Line numbering in code view mode
NEW - HideMainToolbar and HideDOMToolbar Boolean property
NEW - CodeViewFont property

Version 5.2.5 (July 13, 2020)

NEW - Ordered and UnOrdered list toolbar buttons
NEW - EditorReadOnly boolean property - disabled editing, however mouse selection, clipboard copy and print are still enabled.
Fixed - Main Toolbar height now adjusts correctly when switching between various edit and view modes

Version 5.2.6 (September 1, 2020)

NEW - OpenLocalDocument now allows for the setting of a base URL value determined by the file location being opened
Fixed - Some performance improvements when switching between code and WYSIWYG views

Version 5.2.7 (September 12, 2020)

NEW - CSSHttp property (refer developers reference guide)
Fixed - An error where the charset meta tag was being corrupted

Version 5.2.10 (September 10, 2020)

Fixed - InsertElementAtCursor method not returning a HTMLElement object when CSS class property is not specified

Version 5.3.1 (October 26, 2020)

NEW - Customisable Localisation (includes pre-typed language files for German, French, Spanish)
NEW - InsertAtCursor public method (Inserts HTML string at the cursor location)
Fixed - AltGr + E now produces Euro symbol on European keyboard layouts

Version 5.3.12 (December 21, 2020)

Fixed - Better undo / redo handling
New - control-clicking on a hyperlink now open the URL in the users default browser

Version 5.4.2 (January 20, 2021)

NEW - Insert HTML Symbol form
Fixed - HiddenButtons now persists when changing from code edit to WYSIWYG edit and vice-versa

Version 5.4.3 (January 24, 2021)

Fixed - an issue with the undo/redo stack

Version 5.5.1 (February 2, 2021)

NEW - DocumentText property. Returns a text only version of the edited content
NEW - Ordered and un-ordered list style drop selectors on main toolbar
NEW - Insert <hr> toolbar button
Fixed - An issue accepting some Polish and Czech characters using AltGr / Ctrl-Alt
NEW - Added a separator line between CSS Style and Spelling Suggestions on main edit window context menu
NEW - UseDefaultCSS property - default true - adds some internal CSS to create borders on table and table cells whilst editing (please note: this internal CSS is not included in the HTML output)

Version 5.5.4 (February 17, 2021)

New - Add to dictionary context menu item
New - ClipboardPasteNowPasting(ByRef Cancel As Boolean) event for modifying clipboard contents and cancelling clipboard paste events
Fixed - Improved toolbar wrapping of formatting, font name, font size combo box

Version 5.5.6 (March 3, 2021)

Fixed - Full support for all european keyboard types

Version 5.5.7 (March 8, 2021)

Fixed - Add to dictionary context menu now disabled if no spelling errors exist in current word

Version 5.5.15 (June 1, 2021)

Fixed - a problem with some toolbar icons causing the control fail during initialisation on some Windows 7, Windows 8, 2012, 2016 machines
New - InsertElementAroundTextSelection function for placing tags around the current text selection
New - HTMLChanged event. Fires when the user changes the HTML in both WYSIWYG or code view modes

Version 5.6.1 (July 9, 2021)

Fixed - pressing an arrow key while an image was selected deletes the image
Fixed - open image dialog now defaults to all image types (png, jpg, jpeg, gif, svg)
New - FormatTextSelection function - accepts CSS style rules for text formatting (font-size; background-color; etc.)
New - UsePtPxFontSizeSelector property - causes the control to display and set font-size attributes on span tags when text formatting
New - FontSizeDropdownValueList_pxptem property - semi-colon separated list of font sizes that overrides the default list.
Fixed - Improved formatting consistency when pasting HTML clipboard data from web browsers

Version 5.6.2 (August 23, 2021)

New - ZoomLevel property and zoom combo box on lower toolbar

Version 5.6.3 (September 2, 2021)

New - Paste from Excel into HTML table format
Fixed - Copying to clipboard from WYSIWYG now copies plain text format as well

Version 5.6.4 (September 24, 2021)

Fixed - Changing UseDefaultCSS caused validation issues in internal CSS occasionally
New - Selecting a DOM toolbar button no selects the text in the element for easier visual identification
New - DOM toolbar now displays order of DOM branch elements from top-most element to bottom-most element

Version 5.6.5 (September 30, 2021)

Fixed - Zoom level combo box receiving focus on cursor down key from bottom of edited document
Fixed - Improvements in toolbar refresh flicker

Version 5.6.6 (October 13, 2021)

Fixed - Zoom combo box aligned left in control until manual container window resize

Version 5.6.7 (October 15, 2021)

Fixed - Key presses when an image has been selected with the mouse now reflect standard MSWord behavior. Caret now positions before image on key down.

Version 5.7.0 (November 3, 2021)

Fixed - Zoom Level not defaulting to 100% when initiating a new control
New - CustomToolbarImageList allows for setting of custom toolbar icons on main toolbar

Version 5.7.1 (November 10, 2021)

New - Pasting a URL into the Hyperlink form now un-parses the URL into the protocol and URL combo / textboxes
Fixed - Undo/Redo stack now handles popup menu table functions

Version 5.7.2 (November 23, 2021)

New - Improved handling of Shift+Enter and complete inversion of functionality when UseEnterAsBR is true

Version 5.7.3 (December 1, 2021)

Fixed - UIRequestsURL now passes CancelDefault and URL properties by reference, not by value

Version 5.7.8 (December 30, 2021)

New - Pasting from Word now cleans Word HTML including lists (when AlwaysConvertWordHTMLOnPaste = true)
Fixed - Regressive error - Main toolbar combo boxes still visible when included in HiddenButtons list
Fixed - clicking above the first element in the editor causes cursor to be moved to bottom of editor

Version 5.7.9 (January 7, 2022)

New - Updates to HTML entities list and symbols form

Version 5.7.10 (January 17, 2022)

Fixed - Occasional missing whitespace when pasting from MSWord

Version 5.8.3 (February 9, 2022)

New - UseLargeToolbarIcons boolean property - forces the editor use bar populated with internal icons sized 32x32px
New - GetDocumentHTMLWithStyleSheetInfoInline - Applies CSSText class selectors, ID selectors, and element selectors as an inline CSS style to elements. Updated HTML returned as string from this method.

Version 5.8.6 (May 14, 2022)

New - Event ExternalDrop(ByRef CancelDragDrop As Boolean, ByRef ObjectURL As String, CursorPosX As Long, CursorPosY As Long)
New - Boolean property AllowExternalDragDrop
New - String property HyperlinkProtocols - semi-colon seperated list of protocols display in the hyperlink dialog box
Fixed - Alignment now does not use the "align" HTML element attribute. Text elements are aligned with and inline text-align CSS style property

Version 5.9.1 (June 1, 2022)

Fixed - Detection of element under caret does not correctly identify innermost text element on occasion

Version 5.9.8 (July 4, 2022)

Fixed - Inline style and font tag settings not duplicated in new paragraphs after pressing enter key when caret is at EOL
Fixed - Crash on close occasionally (regressive error since 5.8.3)

Version 5.10.7 (August 29, 2022)

New - Localisation Files now accept Unicode label and tooltips descriptions
Fixed - Improved clipboard handling of Unicode content

Version 5.11.5 (January 10, 2023)

Fixed - Performance improvements on load

Version 5.11.7 (March 15, 2023)

New - paste as plain text context menu

Version 5.11.14 (January 5, 2024)

Fixed - An issue with the HiddenButtons property where both color selectors are hidden when using the "Color" identifier.